Egyptian Design Studio Apps

Easy Magic Tricks Revealed 2.2
Simple easy way to learn some magic tricksright now. Magic Tricks Revealed is an amazing catalogue of magictricks to learn on your mobile device. Here's your chance to becomea magician by learning the techniques and secrets behind thesemagic tricks.DOWNLOAD NOW!!Features:• Optimized for all Android devices including tabs• Hundreds of magic trick techniques and updated often• Simple and user friendly graphics to let you focus on learn themagic• Free books to learn more about Wicca• Herb references availableINTRODUCING “Easy Magic Tricks” CALLER ID!“Easy Magic Tricks” caller ID helps you identify numbers real-timewhile the call is happening - even the ones not in your phonebook.No more number guessing or avoiding unknown callers – “Easy MagicTricks” caller ID prepares you for the call. If your local pizzavendor doesn’t pick up the phone when you’re calling, “Easy MagicTricks” caller ID will suggest alternative nearby places. You canalways adjust your caller ID settings in the settings menu.It’s time to learn magic techniques, be a magician and impress yourfamily or friends. Now stop reading and start learning magictechniques form our book. Magic Tricks & Witchcraft App offershundreds of free witchcraft spells, Wicca symbols, correspondences,and many other information about Wicca and Witchcraft Spells.You'll find over 400 Spells for Love, Money, Job, Binding and manymore categories,Magic Tricks & Witchcraft is an all-in-one resource for witchesand magic usersThere are Magic Tricks & Witchcraft spells for practically anypositive purpose you can think of. With this app, you can take theMagic Tricks & Witchcraft spells everywhere you go, withoutlugging around a big, heavy book! If you find a spell you like, youcan save it to your favorites to come back to again andagain.Features:- Hundreds of spells, with new spells added often- Save your favorite spells to your favorites- Take notes in the journal- Wicca calendar- Free books to learn more about Wicca- Glossary of terms for easy reference- Herb referenceDownload the Magic Tricks & Witchcraft App because it isdedicated for those starting with witchcraft and ceremonial magic;inside this app you will find some of the most popular spells,rituals for daily needs.
Pregnancy Help & Baby Tools 3.0
Pregnancy Help & Baby Tools to calculateand track pregnancy, birth & infancy. The better informed youare the better parent you can become. This app provides you withthe best pregnancy tools to find the most helpful answers to all ofyour questions about conception, prenatal care, pregnancy, newbornsand parenting guides.Download Now!!Pregnancy help & Baby tools to calculate and track pregnancy,birth and infancy, This journey can be filled with surprises and/orexpectations. Get the information and answers to all of yourquestions within this one pregnancy and baby app, The betterprepared you are the better parent you will become. This app bringsyou the most comprehensive set of resources from the most respectednames in the baby business such as Gerber and Expecting ParentsAlliance of America.Babymed created an extensive collection of free tools designed tohelp you navigate through conception, delivery and the early yearsof child development. These tools include calculators, trackers,ultrasound tools, labor and delivery tools, due date calculators,fertility and gender predictors and pregnancy calendars.From the first thought of pregnancy there are questions. Thispregnancy and baby tools app contains the answers from ovulation,conception and delivery. You are given pregnancy tools to calculateweek by week the changes. Start by using the When to use thepregnancy test by entering your data. Know your expected weightgain with the Weekly weight change calculator. Be able to trackmovements with the Baby & Fetal kick count tool.Plan your delivery with the Enhanced due date calendar. Calculateand graph HCG levels. Calculate your individual risk of deliveringpreterm with the Preterm risk calculator. Discover the possibleblood type, eye color and even risk of down syndrome with tools,calculators and predictors. Use the labor and delivery tools tomonitor contractions and help you plan for the safest and mostcomfortable delivery experience.Gerber provides the most research and information on issues such asbreastfeeding and the safest alternatives including formula andfirst foods to help reduce the risk of illness in yournewborn.Expecting parents alliance of America has resources, support andadvice as well as connecting with other new and experienced parentsall over the world. You can make friends, join groups, attendevents, share photos and stay informed.Babycenter provides you with pregnancy & parenting toolswhether you are trying to get pregnant, calculate the due date,looking for that perfect baby name, wondering how tall your babywill be or wanting to track your baby's development.Start by charting your cycle, using the ovulation calendar andknowing when you are pregnant. Use the Pregnancy weight tracker toknow how your pregnancy health. Prepare for the birth by creating abirth plan. Hear other stories of delivery and birth.Know how to beprepared with a checklist of must haves for your delivery overnightbag. Anticipate the milestones with charts from birth to age 3.Know the essentials of a diaper bag, solutions to formula andbreast feeding problem, get a baby feeding guide and videos onfeeding techniques. As well as a potty training readinesschecklist.For your child's safety know which car seat you need and how toinstall and use it properly. Get accurate and up to dateinformation on child proofing your home before baby arrives, whilethey are toddlers and beyond. Also access to product recall lists.Most importantly, get child immunization scheduler, a doctor visitguide, symptom checker, medicine checklist, and first aidchecklist.The Savy bump connects mommies to be with pregnancy freebiesthrough such companies as Pampers, Honest Company, Target, Similacand Shutterfly.
German Shepherds Dog Training 2.1
German Shepherds lovers we have the app you'vebeen waiting for. Teach your dog new tricks with this simple to useapplication Puppy Dogs & Big Dog Training app. This applicationis going to help you teach your dog a lot of tricks.Learn fast and simple dog training and puppy training tips andadvice that will help you turn a difficult puppy or dog into anobedient Pet.Training a puppy or new dog when you first bring them home iscritical. It is obvious that you need certain physical items suchas a dog bed or crate, food and water bowls, puppy chow, collar,leash, toys, etc. Equally as important, all family members mustdecide and agree on routine, responsibility and rules. The firstfew days are extremely important because enthusiasm and emotionsare up.Every dog owner has probably been down this road before, theseemingly impossible task of trying to get your dog to listen toyou. It does not matter if your dog is young or old, overcoming aparticular behavior problem can be difficult. In some cases it canseem downright impossible.Most dogs are good at heart and capable of learning exactly how tobehave. It’s only a matter of finding the teaching method thatworks for them and being consistent in how you approach theirissues.Tricks you should start teaching your Puppy Dogs & Big DogTraining Today! Let's train him together!This application is going to help you teach your dog or your puppya lot of tricks.Teaching your dog theses tricks is not just fun for you and him. Itcan save his life.He will be more free and you more relaxed because you know he willlisten and obey.List of the tricks★ Respond to the clicker★ Sit★ Down★ Stand★ Release★ Stay★ Come★ Focus on you★ Take it★ Tug★ Give★ FetchObedience training is one of the most important aspects of raisinga dog. In fact, a well trained dog is by far a happier dog becausea trained dog requires fewer restrictions. The more reliable thedog, the more freedom he is given.Puppy Dogs & Big Dog Training app helps you teach your dog orpuppy a lot of new tricks.
Siamese Cats Adoption Resource 1.7
Kitten Behavior BasicsWhat to expect in your cat's first 18 months (and how to make themost of them)Here are general guidelines for kittens' stages of development thatprovide an outline of what to expect during their first 18 monthsof life.You'll also find tips that will help you and your kitten get themost out of the those important first 18 months.Birth to two weeks: your kitten's neonatal periodKitten learns to orient toward sound.Eyes begin opening; they are usually open by two weeks ofage.Competition for rank and territory begins. Separation from motherand litter-mates at this point can lead to poor learning skills andaggression toward people and other pets.Two to seven weeks: your kitten becomes socialBy the third week, sense of smell is well-developed, and kitten cansee well enough to find her mother.By the fourth week, sense of smell is fully mature and sense ofhearing is well-developed. Kitten starts to interact withlitter-mates and can walk fairly well. The teeth start to comein.By the fifth week, eyesight is fully mature, and kitten can rightherself, run, place her feet precisely, avoid obstacles, stalk andpounce and catch "prey" with her eyes.Kitten starts to groom herself and others.By the sixth and seventh weeks, kitten begins to develop adultsleeping patterns, motor skills and social interactionabilities.Kittens are usually weaned at six to seven weeks, but they maycontinue to suckle for comfort as their mother gradually leavesthem for longer periods of time. Orphaned kittens, or those weanedtoo soon, are more likely to exhibit inappropriate sucklingbehaviors later in life, such as sucking on blankets, pillows oryour arm. Ideally, kittens should stay with their litter-mates (orother "role-model" cats) for at least 12 weeks.Seven to 14 weeks: the time your kitten will play the mostSocial and object play increases kitten's physical coordination andsocial skills. Most learning is by observation, preferably of theirmother.Social play includes belly-ups, hugging, ambushing andlicking.Object play includes scooping, tossing, pawing, mouthing andholding.Combined social/object play includes tail chasing, pouncing,leaping and dancing.Three to six months: your kitten starts ranking the householdKitten is most influenced by her "litter," which may now includeplaymates of other species.Kitten begins to see and use ranking (dominance or submission)within household, including humans.Six to 18 months: your kitten is an adolescentKitten increases exploration of dominance, including challenginghumans.If not spayed or neutered, kitten experiences beginnings of sexualbehavior.All Stages: Interactions are important to your kittenKittens orphaned or separated from their mother and/or litter-matestoo early often fail to develop appropriate "social skills," suchas learning how to send and receive signals, what an "inhibitedbite" (acceptable mouthing pressure) means, how far to go inplay-wrestling and so forth.Play is important for kittens because it increases their physicalcoordination, social skills and learning limits. By interactingwith their mother and litter-mates, kittens explore the rankingprocess ("who's in charge") and also learn "how to be a cat."Kittens who are gently handled by people 15 to 40 minutes a dayduring the first seven weeks are more likely to develop largerbrains. They're more exploratory, more playful and better learners.Skills not acquired during the first eight weeks may be lostforever.While these stages are important and fairly consistent, a cat'smind remains receptive to new experiences and lessons well beyondkitten-hood. Most cats are still kittens, in mind and body, throughthe first two years of life.
Horoscope & Psychic Readings 2.1
Discover what the future holds for you. Get aninsight on what to expect for love, family, work, well-being andgood fortune for today, tomorrow, the week or in 2017 with our freedaily horoscopes app. Follow your zodiac sign and observehoroscopes of friends and loved ones.Download Now!!Detailed astrological predictions available for all signs of thezodiac:♈ Aries♉ Taurus♊ Gemini♋ Cancer♌ Leo♍ Virgo♎ Libra♏ Scorpio♐ Sagittarius♑ Capricorn♒ Aquarius♓ Pisces★ Set custom push notifications and never miss an update.★ Share interesting findings on social media.Zodiac HoroscopeWe cover all the zodiac sun signs: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer LeoVirgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces. Wehave compatibility section for each two zodiac signs. Compatibilitysection covers love, friendship, business and family aspects ofevery combination of two zodiac signs. Zodiac yearly section coversthe yearly horoscope for sun signs.Chinese HoroscopeWe provide yearly horoscope for all the Chinese signs: rat ox tigerrabbit dragon snake horse ram monkey rooster dog and pig. Pleasenote that the Chinese horoscope follows Chinese calendar.We offer you free online Tarot readings, numerology readings,Chinese astrology readings, palm reading and many more. Remember,all psychic readings start somewhere, it is just a matter oftraining and developing your individual talents. We all possess acertain degree of psychic power within us, it just takes practiceto perfect these powers. With each of the following readingsconcentrate deeply and let your higher spirit control theoutcome.Furthermore, we also offer you Tarot readings. Over the last coupleof centuries, Tarot has grown to incorporate powerful mediums likeAstrology, Runes, Numerology, and the I Ching. If you would like tolearn a bit more, in our Psychic Readings app we putted together aguide all about Tarot Cards, and it includes a brief history of theTarot, and detailed interpretations of each of the 78 Tarot cards.When you start your reading you'll first shuffle a virtual Tarotdeck, then you will select the three cards that will be used inyour reading.Another advantage is Palm reading, otherwise known as palmistry orchiromancy. It has its roots in Indian astrology and Roma fortunetelling. The objective is to evaluate a person's character orfuture by studying the palm of their hand. Whether you're anaspiring palm reader or you're just looking for a fun way to passthe time and impress your friends, even you can learn to gaininsight just by holding someone's hand.Health issues, psychological transitions and also professional andsocial events can be looked at in detail through the transit of themoon. All this and more you can find in the Horoscope & PsychicReadings app.Take this amazing chance and download Horoscope & PsychicReadings app and stay tuned.
Gardening, Plants & Vegetables 1.5
Gardening, Plants & Vegetables mobile appallows you to share the joy of gardening.What's more:GARDEN AND PLANT INSPIRATION: share thousands of gardens, plants,flowers, vegetables, shrubs and trees with our gardening app you’llnever be stuck for garden design and plant inspiration again!• The fastest growing social network exclusively forgardeners• Share your garden and plants with other gardeners in ourcommunity• Help other less experienced gardeners to create better gardens.It’s great to spread the joy of gardening and the beauty of plantsand flowers.• Find garden design and planting inspiration from the 1000s ofgardens now shared on Gardening, Plants & Vegetables App.• Never forget what your flowers and plants are called and wherethey are planted! The same goes for vegetable growers too.• Receive regular plant care tasks direct into your mobile device.The more organized you are the more time you can spend enjoying theplants and flowers in your garden.Gardening, Plants & Vegetables app also that lets you GardenSocially!We looks to help you in the garden while, giving you a way toconnect with your friends and neighbors.Don’t know what flowers to plant in that container on your patio?Gardening, Plants & Vegetables app is here to help you out.Pick a color and find out what people are growing around you, oraround the world! Weigh in on which ones you like, or let peopleknow what they should probably dig up. Whether you’re looking forspecific plants or just some inspiration for your latest creation,we’ve got you covered. Maybe you want to show off your plants, ormaybe you just want to find something that will ACTUALLY WORK inyour garden; Our gardening app has something for every type ofplant owner.Gardening, Plants & Vegetables isn’t just about annuals andperennials. Maybe you’re a growing vegetables and herbs. Show theworld what kinds of vegetables you are growing.- Upload pictures of your favorite plants to show your neighborshow great they look, or upload a picture of one of your leastfavorite to warn people!- Use the Explore feature to find the right plants for your garden.Sort plants by color, light needs, and plant type! Results arelocal so you’ll know that they should work in your area! The filterallows you to mix and match all sorts of search criteria.Stay tuned for an Vegetables Book update
Gadgets & Technology for Geeks 1.5
Featuring all the best technology & techculture publications on the planet, including TechCrunch, CNET,Engadget, The Verge, Vice and many more.The Gadgets & Technology for Geeks app is the best way to getthe hottest technology news on your iPad or iPhone. Browse thelatest headlines with a flick of your finger then tap to dive intoan unparalleled source of stories about startups and SiliconValley, gadgets and go-getters. The beautifully designed free appbrings you all the news from Gadgets & Technology for Geeksaward-winning website and is fully integrated with CrunchBase—theindustry leading startups, entrepreneurs and investors database.Meanwhile, the Gadgets & Technology for Geeks Trending listwill quickly show you the stories currently keeping the tech worldchatting.
Vacation Travel Tips & Cruises 2.1
Vacation Travel Tips & Cruises provideseasy vacation tools & travel checklist. The Vacation TravelTips & Cruises app is a great vacation tool for frequentvacation travelers. This app bundle allows users to organizemultiple flights, hotel reservations and travel plans in oneplace.Download Now!!Plan your Dream your perfect vacation:- Browse popular destinations and vacation rentals in more than 190countries- Discover whole homes, from apartments to villas, or even treehouses and castles among our 1,000,000+ vacation rentals- Save and manage favorites- Share with people traveling with youBook your vacation rental:Book and pay directly on the appAccess all your conversations from your inbox and receivenotifications when owners answer your questions or confirm yourbookingSend payments safely and securely… and Enjoy your stay!- Manage your reservations- Keep your trip's details with you when you travel to your dreamdestination- Access your check-in information when you need it- Browse nearby restaurants and activities recommendations for agreat stayVacation Travel & Cruises delivers a complete cruise experienceto your phone with our new mobile app. Now mobile users will have awealth of cruise information at their fingertips. This newapplication is more than just a web browser and is designed toprovide complete information to guide you through all stages ofyour cruise experience.This application includes a variety of information to help youresearch your cruise including a complete listing of cruiseoptions, to booking your cruise, packing for your cruise andgetting to the port.FEATURES:HOT DEALS: Get the best cruise deals on your phoneFIND A CRUISE: Find and book a cruise with over 70 cruise lines tochoose from on worldwide destinations including the Caribbean,Alaska, Europe, South America, Australia and New Zealand andmore.NEW FEATURE: Search by Departure PortBook on your favorite cruise lines including, Carnival Cruises,Celebrity Cruises, Crystal Cruises, Cunard Line, Holland AmericaLine, MSC Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line, Princess Cruises, RegentSeven Seas Cruises, Royal Caribbean, Seaborne, Silver sea, VikingRiver Cruises and many more.MY CRUISE: If you booked a cruise with Vacation Travel &Cruises you can find information specific to your cruise on yourphone.• Cruise Countdown• Itinerary Details• Itinerary Map• Ship Information• Packing List• Cruise Checklist• Departure Port Information including maps, directions and parkinginformation.CRUISE COUNTDOWN: Once you have booked your cruise you can now keeptrack of exactly how many days are left before you set sail. Bonnvoyage!SHIP INFORMATION: Select a ship and get all of the detailsincluding the ship profile, stateroom information, dininginformation, public area information and deck plans.PREPARE FOR YOUR CRUISE: FAQs, Cruise Tips and Packing Lists.CONNECT WITH US: like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, readour blog, and watch our videos on our You Tube Channel: VacationTravel & Cruises.
Free Jazz Radio & Jazz Music 2.2
Free Jazz Radio & Jazz MusicEach one is hand-programmed by a passionate channel manager who isan expert in that style. Find all your favorite styles includingHard Bop, Smooth Jazz, Vocals, Swing, Sinatra Style, and manymore!FEATURES:- Listen to 35+ hand-programmed jazz music channels- Not sure which channel to pick? Explore the easy-to-use Styleslist- Stream music from the app or in the background while you do otherthings- Control audio and view track titles from the lock screen- Save your favorite channels for quick and easy access later- New Sleep Timer feature allows you to fall asleep to musicwithout draining your data plan- Set data streaming preferences for when using a Cellular vs. WiFinetwork- Share your favorite tracks and channels on Facebook, Twitter, orby email- Optional buffer bar with data display helps you keep track ofyour data usageThe Top Jazz Music & Bass Lessons Channel listing:- Bass Jazz- Bebop- Blues- Blues Rock- Basso Nova- Classic Jazz- Contemporary Vocals- Cool Jazz- Current Jazz- Fusion Lounge- Guitar Jazz- Gypsy Jazz- Hard Bop- Holiday Jazz- Latin Jazz- Mellow Jazz- Mellow Smooth Jazz- Paris Café- Piano Jazz- Piano Trios- Saxophone Jazz- Sinatra Style- Smooth Basso Nova- Smooth Jazz- Smooth Jazz 24/7- Smooth Lounge- Smooth Uptempo- Smooth Vocals- Straight Ahead- Swing & Big Band- Timeless Classics- Trumpet Jazz- Vibraphone Jazz- Vocal LegendsTop Jazz Music & Bass Lessons app is the ultimate way to learnand practice bass. ♫You can learn bass guitar from scratch and become the next MarcusMiller, Victor Wooten or Jaco Pastorius!We are making bass playing fun & inspiring thanks to more than100k free, high quality and interactive sheet music and basstabs.★ User-Friendly (and totally free) features:• Huge catalog from Beethoven to Metallica! Free dailyupdates• Easy Search• Filter by genre: Rock / Metal / Pop / Folk / Electronic / Soul /Hip-Hop / Reggae / Jazz / Soundtrack / Classical• Filter by level: Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced• Filter by Artists• History, easily find what you have already played• Share with your friends your tabs• Tempo control: play the song at your own speed.• Display features: only staff, only tab or both• Audio player: listen to the song with a good playback sound. Realtime highlight of the notes that you should be playing.• Multiple tracks control: set up the volume of each track• Cover videos from YouTube• Instruments views: ‘how to read traditional sheet music’ and ‘howto read bass turntable’• Bass Tab: this view represents the strings with the flow of thefingers positions so that you can check out and anticipate yourfretting hand positions. It's a real time turntable.• Fret board: This view is more realistic, it shows in real timewhere the fingers should be on the fret board.• Learning and practice mode : Like being in a real lesson we willgive you feedback on how you are playing and help you toprogress!
True Wealth & Gold Investments 1.4
Learn how to accumulate wealth in various wayswith True Wealth & Gold Investments Advice! Download our appfor FREE to get all the information and related news about how toget rich and wealthy, how to get passive income, gold and silverinvestment, and most importantly, how to Get Funding! Learn fromour comprehensive guide and take action NOW!Everyone wants to be wealthy and rich, but not many people know theright way to do it. Here in our app we provide tips, tricks, andinformation regarding how to build your wealth from scratch. Youstart from How to Get Funding. Then move on to other sections.Maybe you want to learn how to invest in gold first? Or do you wantto invest in Silver? Are you looking for passive income streams?Maybe you are looking for tips and tricks about wealth? Don’t worrybecause we have them here. We also have Survival Blueprint sectionto help you out so you know how to survive while you accumulateyour wealth.TOP FEATURES OF TRUE WEALTH BUILDING TECHNIQUES & ADVICE:$ Download our Wealth and Investment app for FREE.$ Learn about how to accumulate wealth and becoming rich throughour advice.$ Learn about gold and silver investment, passive income, and howto get funding.$ Simple app interface and navigation so you won’t have troubleaccessing all the contents we provide for you.$ Get all the information you need on our website.$ Get crucial information about wealth building tips andtrips.$ Read Survival Blueprint from Stansberry Research for FREE.Take action NOW. Start implementing the techniques and advice fromus and get wealthy!
Kolorado Kartel Merchandising 1.4
We provide the best and the latest marijuana/cannabis clothing and merchandise. We carry the largestselectionof marijuana merchandise for men, women, kid, pet and awhole lotmore. We have a plethora of Cannabis merchandise,products,electronics and more.If you're passionate about cannabis and cannabis culture youaregoing to love the products and merchandise that we have tooffer.Our staff members hail from Colorado and we're allextremelypassionate about the legalization of marijuana as well astheemerging cannabis culture in Colorado.Whether you are from Colorado or any other part of the world, ifyouwant to share our enthusiasm for cannabis culture andamazingcannabis products, we want to get to know you. Drop us aline todayand be sure to check out our wide selection of uniquecannabismerchandise! Check back on Kolorado Kartel often as weareconsistently pricing our items at discounted rates as wellasupdating our inventory as soon as new items come intostock.Kolorado Kartel started on 2016, with the aim to create awebsitethat focuses on cannabis clothing that fit yourlifestyle.
Horoscope & Tarot Reading Prem 1.0
Astrological Horoscope & PsychicReadingsapp free download on Google Play★ Daily, weekly and monthly horoscope★ All signs of the zodiacDiscover what the future holds for you. Get an insight on whattoexpect for love, work, well-being and good fortune fortoday,tomorrow, the week or in 2016 with free daily horoscopesapp.Follow your zodiac sign and observe horoscopes of friends andlovedones'.Detailed astrological predictions available for all signs ofthezodiac:♈ Aries♉ Taurus♊ Gemini♋ Cancer♌ Leo♍ Virgo♎ Libra♏ Scorpio♐ Sagittarius♑ Capricorn♒ Aquarius♓ Pisces★ Set custom push notifications and never miss an update.★ Share interesting findings on social media.Zodiac HoroscopeWe cover all the zodiac sun signs: Aries Taurus Gemini CancerLeoVirgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces.Wehave compatibility section for each two zodiac signs.Compatibilitysection covers love, friendship, business and familyaspects ofevery combination of two zodiac signs. Zodiac yearlysection coversthe yearly horoscope for sun signs.Chinese HoroscopeWe provide yearly horoscope for all the Chinese signs: rat oxtigerrabbit dragon snake horse ram monkey rooster dog and pig.Pleasenote that the Chinese horoscope follows Chinesecalendar.We offer you free online Tarot readings, numerologyreadings,Chinese astrology readings, palm reading and many more.Remember,all psychic readings start somewhere, it is just a matteroftraining and developing your individual talents. We all possessacertain degree of psychic power within us, it just takespracticeto perfect these powers. With each of the followingreadingsconcentrate deeply and let your higher spirit controltheoutcome.Furthermore, we also offer you Tarot readings. Over the lastcoupleof centuries, Tarot has grown to incorporate powerful mediumslikeAstrology, Runes, Numerology, and the I Ching. If you wouldlike tolearn a bit more, in our Psychic Readings app we puttedtogether aguide all about Tarot Cards, and it includes a briefhistory of theTarot, and detailed interpretations of each of the 78Tarot cards.When you start your reading you'll first shuffle avirtual Tarotdeck, then you will select the three cards that willbe used inyour reading.Another advantage is Palm reading, otherwise known as palmistryorchiromancy. It has its roots in Indian astrology and Romafortunetelling. The objective is to evaluate a person's characterorfuture by studying the palm of their hand. Whether you'reanaspiring palm reader or you're just looking for a fun way topassthe time and impress your friends, even you can learn togaininsight just by holding someone's hand.Health issues, psychological transitions and also professionalandsocial events can be looked at in detail through the transit ofthemoon. All this and more you can find in the Horoscope &PsychicReadings app.Take this amazing chance and download Horoscope &PsychicReadings app and stay tuned.
Photo Shoots & Camera Lenses 1.5
Snap. Edit. Share. Smile. Photo magic at yourfingertips.On-the-go photo editing was never so fun, fast, and cool. Touchyour way to better-looking pictures with automatic fixes andfilters. Get your pictures to pop! And after sharing, you’ll be thethe talk of your friends.Photography features of Photoshop Express:- Basics: Crop, straighten, rotate, and flip your photos. Removered eye and pet eye.- Auto-Fix: A one-touch adjustment for contrast, exposure, andwhite balance.- Blemish removal: With one touch, remove spots, dirt, and dustfrom your photos.- Color: Slide controls for clarity, contrast, exposure,highlights, shadows, temperature, tint, sharpen, andvibrancy.- One touch filters or Looks: Choose from more than 20 eye-catchingeffects! And control the intensity of your looks.- Custom Looks: Create and save your own Looks.- Image Rendering Engine: Improves performance, and enableshandling of large files, like panoramic photos.- Borders: Add a distinctive personal touch to your photos with 15borders and frames. Express yourself!- Raw photo support: Import and edit photos in raw format.- Share: Easily share to all your favorite social sites: Facebook,Twitter, Tumblr, and more.- Access Premium Features when you sign in with an Adobe ID:- One-touch Filters or Looks: Get an additional 20 filters for fun,fresh looks!- Noise Reduction: Minimize unwanted grain and speckling in nightphotos and other low light photos.- Defog: Reduce fog and haze in photos.
30 Day Fitness & Exercise Gym 1.8
Download 30 Day Fitness Challengeappnow!What will 30 Day Fitness Challenge app offer you?Dedicate only 30 days of your life and observe your bodygettinginto the shape. It starts from regular warm up followed byexercisethat slims your:** 30 Day Ab Challenge **** 30 Day Squat Challenge **** 30 Day Firm Butt Challenge **** 30 Day Toned Arm Challenge ** FEATURES● hundreds of unique exercises (more than any other app)● clear images of people doing every exercise with fulltextinstructions● hundreds of video instructions for many of the morecomplicatedexercises● calorie tracker with over 90,000 food items● cleverly designed logging feature to record and trackeachexercise● ability to add your own exercise and track your progress● exercises ordered by target (abs, arms, back, etc), muscletheytarget (deltoids, biceps, etc) or equipment theyrequire(swissball, kettlebells, nothing, etc)● 30 routines to reach various goals (weight loss, strength,abdefinition, golf program, etc)● ability to email your workout logs to yourself, back themuponline or view them on the device● graph your workout results to give yourself the encouragingboostyou need● stop-watch timer to keep track of your rest times inbetweensets● weight monitor/BMI calculator and measurements tracker toviewyour progress● schedule your workouts ahead of time so you never forgetyourworkout routine● ability to track MULTIPLE users● iCloud support and the ability to import content fromFullFitness● workout sharing tool to share your workouts between otherFullFitness users** 30 Day Push Up Challenge **** 30 Day Cardio Challenge **Take the 30 Day Free Ab Challenge for Six Pack AbsEveryone dream of having flat or six pack abs, but how manygetthat? Many give up on their dream because they either don’tknowabout exercises for abs, or cannot control the diet. We haveasolution here!The 30 days Ab challenge is a very simple exercise plan for 30daysto flatten your abs and improve your health and fitness. Youjusthave to do a set of ab exercises every day for the next 30dayswithout fail, that’s it! The workout will become intensegraduallyand day 30 will test your stamina. Both men and women ofany agescan use this ab to work on their abs. In cast, it iswonderful tokill women’s fat and quick weight loss.User can track their progress and share the result with friendsviaFacebook, twitter and emails.This 30 day ab challenge has 6 intense workouts with ab exerciseforbeginners and experts both!Feel free to join our other 30 day FREE health regime aswell:30 Day Fitness Challenges30 Day Squat Challenge30 Day Firm Butt Challenge30 Day Toned Arms Challenges30 Day Push Up Challenge30 Day Cardio ChallengeShock your friends with your results!● Biggest and most complete gym workout app● Start training and transform your body!● Beginner & Pro workout plans designed by experts● Sharp videos, clear exercise photosWorkout with confidence with everything you need to getgreatresults at the gym. Use Workout as your personal trainer andseeyour body improve, fast!EXERCISE DATABASE● Lots of exercises with 3000+ possible variations● Rich photos and hi-res videos of each exercise● Easy-to-understand detailed descriptions● Search by muscle group, equipment type or keywordWORKOUTS● Multiple workouts to choose from● The only gym app that supports Super-Sets● Beginner, Intermediate & Expert routines- Fat Off, Muscle On, Get In Shape Fast, Athlete's Body, MassGain,Massive Chest, Arnold’s Back and many more...FEATURES:● Create, or add, your existing routine to the app● Save all of your favorite exercises● Modify and save any of our pre-made routines● Access your workout history● Audio cues for your rest time in between sets● Smooth design allows for easy navigation● Choose from bodyweight, time-based, free weight or machinebasedworkouts● Entirely Ad Free!